Thursday, August 27, 2020
Grendel, by John Gardner Essay Example For Students
Grendel, by John Gardner Essay All through time individuals have wished to comprehend what creatures need and to comprehend what they are stating. In Grendel, by John Gardner, the people had the chance to comprehend the beast Grendel, yet wouldnt give him a possibility since he was unique. The people simply expected Grendel was driven by creature nature, and along these lines, they evaded him. What they didnt acknowledge about Grendel was the way that he thought equivalent to them and experienced all the feelings they did. Grendel is more human than creature since he thinks and shows feelings on a similar level as people. The greatest thing that isolated Grendel from the remainder of the creatures was the way that he attempted to apply motivation to everything. The entirety of the creatures were dumb and didnt truly study anything. They all just acted dependent on hormones and sense. This was clear when Grendel was caught in a tree stump and was confronting a charging bull. The bull could have effectively slaughtered Grendel had it thought of where to strike, however rather he battled by impulse, daze instrument ages old. Hed have battled a similar route against a seismic tremor or a hawk. The bull would strike a similar spot again and again and all Grendel needed to do was move his leg to keep away from injury. Grendel realized the bull was no peril to him and had the option to unwind and even rest while the bull was charging. The vast majority of the creatures in that circumstance would have constantly battled to break liberated from the tree considerably after the bull missed them on various occasions. Grendel thoroughly considered everything and attempted to genuinely comprehend why things were how they were, and why individuals acted in the abnormal manners they did. He even attempted to reason through why he was pulled in to the Queen Wealtheow. He regarded her more as a scientific condition than he regarded her as an individual. He portrayed her as Not simple to characterize. Scientifically, maybe a torus, freely tube shaped, with swellings and tightening influences at spans This sort of made Grendel more human than most people were. At the point when a human is pulled in to another they regularly simply acknowledge it as characteristic, normal impulse. Grendel became pulled in to Wealtheow and his thinking came in over his impulse. Something else that made Grendel more human than creature was the way that he expected to get things done to shield himself from getting exhausted. The creatures in the book, of course, followed up on sense and this drove them for the duration of the day. They never thought, so they never acknowledged they werent truly achieving anything, and never understood that they ought to be exhausted. Grendel then again expected to continually plan something for interest himself. He kept an eye on the individuals and when that wasnt enough he cooperated with them. At a certain point, Grendel gets exhausted with continually coming and eating the people, that when one continues assaulting him, Grendel keeps him alive just to mess around with him. The individual that continually attempted to assault Grendel was named Unferth, and he was attempting to become well known. Rather than eating Unferth, Grendel plays with him. The first occasion when they met Grendel was tossing apples at him. He lifted his blade to make a run at me, and I snickered cried and tossed and apple at him. He hounded, and afterward his mouth dropped open Hey! he hollered. A pardonable slip by. Furthermore, presently I was coming down apples at him and snickering myself frail. . Grendel fundamentally exhibited human point of view. A feline will play with a mouse before it eats it, however just a human will play with something then not slaughter it. Grendel had no goal of executing Unferth. Grendel additionally messed around with the minister Ork when he chose to act like the God of annihilation. It is safe to say that somebody is here? he cries. It is I. I state. The destroyer. . .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f , .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f .postImageUrl , .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f , .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f:hover , .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f:visited , .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f:active { border:0!important; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f:active , .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f:hover { darkness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-design: underline; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c 553f .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .udb6020ead2486b3e0bc41c25b51c553f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Consider the Pardoner's Prologue and the Sermon Interlude toward the start of his story EssayThe last thing that makes Grendel more human than creature is the way that he executes severely and not intuition. The main reasons creatures attempt to murder things are on the grounds that they have to eat or they are safeguarding their young. Grendel likewise plays with a goat before he executes it, he avoids it utilizing weapons to slaughter it rather than his hands. Directly before his demise, Grendel is perched on a unimportant when a goat ascends towards him. From the start he is delighted by how moronic the goat is for climbing when he will tr uly arrive at nothing at the top. Be that as it may, as the goat draws nearer Grendel turns out to be increasingly irritated, until he at last turns out to be furious to such an extent that he murders him. I tip a rock and let it fall roaring toward him I lay the tree sideways, trust that the goat will be in better range, at that point push Death shakes his body the manner in which high wind shakes trees. He moves towards me. I grab up a stone. . When Grendel had gotten the last stone, the goat was at that point going to bite the dust, however Grendel kept at it on account of his despise and outrage coordinated at it, those two feelings are human and not creature. Grendel is to a greater degree an individual than a creature, since he has more human attributes than creatures. The attribute that appears to attract him closer to being a human than some other, is his capacity to detest. Creatures dont abhor, on the grounds that they follow up on sense and not thought. The capacity to think and reason like a human is likewise Grendels ruin. On the off chance that Grendel had never considered that he was so like people he could never have been associated with them. He would be going around mountains with goats and mounting trees with bulls, rather than being executed in a mead corridor by Beowulf.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Human Gene Therapy :: Science Genetics Papers
Human Gene Therapy Quality treatment is the utilization of qualities to treat malady. It speaks to a quantum jump in our way to deal with the treatment of human infection and will significantly affect medication throughout the following ten years. William French Anderson, Michael Biase, and Ken Culver played out the main effective quality treatment on a human in 1990. They built up a convention for treating Adenosine deaminase (ADA) lack, serious joined resistant inadequacy, otherwise called the Boy in the Bubble illness. ADA lack is a consequence of acquiring two duplicates of the blemished ADA quality (at the end of the day it is a passive illness). Ownership of a typical quality prompts the ceaseless, ordinary creation of ADA in cells all through the body. Without at any rate one appropriately working quality, kids have no chance to get of changing over deoxyadenosine (a waste item) into inosine. This prompts the quick develop deoxyadenosine in the framework, which becomes phosphoralysed into a pois onous triphosphate which executes T-cell. The outcome is a practically complete disappointment of the resistant framework and early passing. Idea of Gene Therapy The term quality treatment initially alluded to proposed medicines of hereditary issue that would include supplanting a blemished quality with its ordinary partner Current use of the term presently stretches out to remember all medications for which there is a presentation of hereditary material into body cells to treat an assortment of illnesses. Quality treatment uses two hypothetically potential methodologies: 1) Somatic quality treatment involves the exchange of a quality or qualities into body cells other than germ (egg or sperm) cells with impact just on the patient. The new hereditary material can't be given to posterity. Instances of Somatic quality treatment have just demonstrated to be clinically powerful. The primary fruitful medications of adenosine deaminase insufficiency occurred in 1990 of every 1991 with two patients matured 4 and 11. Both are flourishing with proceeding with treatment. The main fruitful treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia, a hereditary condition, which influences the livers guideline of cholestrols in the blood, occurred in 1992 of a 29-year-elderly person. Her improvement was steady for the year and a half of the investigation and liver biopsy exhibited action of the embedded quality and no recognizable variations from the norm. Five patients have been treated as of 1994.Current research including Somatic quality treatment is concentrating on various territories. Clinical preliminaries are being performed on a treatment for cystic fibrosis, a ceaseless hereditary issue.
Friday, August 21, 2020
What Is An Outline For An Essay?
What Is An Outline For An Essay?When you write an outline for an essay, it is a key element of how to write a good essay. An outline is simply a detailed description of what the content of your essay will be. It should include elements that will help you in writing the paper.An outline should be written before writing the first word of the essay. This is because the writer's intention is to generate ideas for future parts of the essay. Writing the outline will also help you make sure that the information you have gathered about each topic will be sufficient to satisfy your academic needs. It will help you develop your knowledge and skills so that your written research can present a well-written topic.An outline should cover all the aspects of the paper. If you are thinking of your topic, you should know it. So before starting to write the rest of the paper, you should have a good outline. This will help you in knowing the information that you need and will guide you through the writi ng process. It will also help you understand your topic better, which is a prerequisite in order to do effective research.In an outline, you should take note of the areas in your topic. You should also be able to locate the key ideas from the content of the article. Since these two components are the backbone of the whole essay, you should know them well before writing. This is because you want to make sure that you will be able to form topics with proper timing and content.Writing an outline can be quite easy. All you need to do is follow the guideline that is outlined in this guide. An outline is the foundation for the entire writing process. The first step you should take when writing an outline is to draw a rough sketch of the content of the paper. This is an important step because it helps you in defining the main points of the paper.While writing an outline, make sure that you use a clearly defined order. Writing is not just a random activity; it should be planned and structur ed. The order you will write the first three or four sentences of the paper is also very important. In the outline, you should be able to identify the introduction, the body, the conclusion and the references.The writing of an outline for an essay is not only about placing the main ideas in order. It is also about planning the research that you will do. When you have an outline of the papers you will be writing, you can determine the amount of research that you need to do. This will ensure that the research you will be doing is consistent with the topic that you are writing about. Having an outline will also help you in organizing the structure of the paper and make it easier to read.Writing an outline for an essay is just a guideline to help you write the paper. You can still experiment and try different approaches to find the one that suits you best. Your outline can be a helpful tool to make sure that you will write a perfect research paper. It will also help you in formulating t he key information that you need for each part of the paper.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay on The Best and Worst College Degrees - 1030 Words
The Best and Worst College Degrees Abstract In todayââ¬â¢s society everyone thinks they need to go to college, and over 80% of kids out of high school are. Out of all these kids going to Universities, the majority donââ¬â¢t even know what they want to be the rest of their lives once they get to college. Common sense would tell us that people would go into the field that paid them the most money, this is not always true. So what are the most popular fields to go into when getting out of high School? We did a little research and some comparative analysis, and this is what we came up with. Engineering: Research shows that the third most popular degree in demand is engineering. This pertains to the three major types of engineering. Whetherâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦When looking at the pay scale, another positive aspect of the job would be the starting salary, which is just over $40,000. The best part about the pay is that it increases at over 4%. Accounting: The number one most popular bachelor degree in America is accounting. An accountant is a trained professional that keeps everything about the business in running order. This may mean anything from book keeping, to following trends in the market, or just simply tax audits. When going after a degree in accounting there is a lot of math, and plain accountant classes involved. Although accounting is the number one degree in demand, it does not even rank in the top 5 for starting salaries. If you are just a basic accountant starting out on your own, you can plan on making about $45,000, with a 4.6% increase. Bachelorââ¬â¢s Degrees In Demand 1.) Accounting 2.) Business 3.) Electrical Engineering 4.) Computer Science 5.) Mechanical Engineering 6.) Information Sciences 7.) Marketing 8.) Computer Engineering 9.) Civil Engineering 10.) Economics/ Finance Every one of these top degrees is very much different from the next, but there are a few things that all of them have in common. For one the pay level in all three of these top job fields is very exceptional. When the employers in these three fields were polled, they all said that the number one way to get better employees is to offer better benefits. The biggest demand employees want when getting a job, is medical insurance.Show MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of Graduate School Education1470 Words à |à 6 Pagesgraduate school. Education is a tricky subject in determining the potential risk of going for an advanced degree. With such a broad category, this has to be taken into account on an individual degree basis. For instance, those that want to teach at a college, need a higher level degree than those who want to teach at an elementary school. However, a big occurrence of the degree not being worth the pursuit is a masterââ¬â¢s in curriculum and instruction. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis of Scenes of Atonement Film - 1825 Words
Atonement- Analysis of Scenes The scene starts with a long shot of the three characters walking on a path in the reeds towards the camera. The reason a long shot is used is to establish the setting of the characters. It cuts in to a close up of Robbie to show his emotion as he realises they have made it to the sea. It cuts to an medium high angle aerial long shot as the characters are running through the reeds to show the true desperation of the men. While they are running the music playing is low like being played on an organ and picks up pass to build up the tension of the scene. It tracks their movement as they run and cuts into a close u p of Robbieââ¬â¢s shoe then zooms out and moves up at the same time up over Robbieââ¬â¢s head to anâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The camera tracks Robbie as he moves through the scene, the camera follows some flying papers in the air into a low angle shot of the broken sails of a ship with a man on top shouting ââ¬ËLaddie, Iââ¬â¢m coming home!ââ¬â¢ which show s contrast of his hope despite his hopeless situation, it also gives a sense of madness. The camera tracks down into a close up of Robbie to show his emotion through his facial expression. The beach is filled with broken debris and men going about all sorts of things, one man is seen doing exercises on a beam and contrasts with other men getting in a fight or stumbling around drunk. A Ferris wheel is seen in the background surrounded by smoke and devastation, it looks as if itââ¬â¢s almost a dead carnival and the Ferris wheel is a to show the true nature of the devastation of the war. Children are seen sitting down next to some toys, they are placed sitting down to convey the defeat and hopelessness in their situation. The music begins to swell and men are heard singing as the camera tracks them and moves into a close up as it goes round seeing their faces as they sing, gives a feeling of hope within them. The camera tracks back into a close up of Robbie showing defeated, uncomfortable expression on his face which contrasts as the camera tracks around a group of men shouting and jeering as they are going on a merry-go-round. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Venezuelas Geography Venezuela - 1550 Words
Before the early 20th century when one considered Venezuela they thought of Venezuelaââ¬â¢s coffee and cocoa exports, however ever since the discovery of petroleum during the early 20th century, Venezuela is one of the worldââ¬â¢s largest exporter of oil. They are also one of the first founding members of OPEC. However Venezuela has much more to offer than oil and coffee. Currently Venezuela is rapidly expanding and becoming more stable. Compared to the countries past the economy is strong and growing every year. The most interesting thing about Venezuela is their unique infrastructure. Currently their entire economy is dependent on oil however due to the dramatic changes that have occurred in the recent decades in Venezuela the profits made fromâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Something unique about the country is that it is positioned in both he northern and western hemispheres and is located on the northern edge of South America. Venezuela has an extremely diverse ecosystem. Though the country is in the tropics the climate fluctuates between tropical humid and Alpine depending where one is in the country and the force of winds. Most of the country has a set rainy season. The rainy season is from May to November and is commonly referred to as winter while the rest of the year as summer. Many geographers break down Venezuela ââ¬Å"four fairly well-defined regions: the Maracaibo lowlands in the northwest, the Northern mountains extending in a broad east-west arc from the Colombian border along the Caribbean Sea, the wide Orinoco plains in central Venezuela, and the highly dissected Guiana highlands in the southeastâ⬠(Richard). The Maracaibo lowlands are flat and Lake Maracaibo is located in this region as well. The Northern Mountains are an extension of the famous Andes chain. This region also has many valleys between the ranges and is home to most of the countryââ¬â¢s population. The Orinoco Plains start westward from the Caribbean coast and go to the Colombian border between the Northern Mountains and Rio Orinoco. Llanos is what this region is commonly referred as. The Guiana Highlands is one of the oldest landforms found in South America. Due to erosion unusual formations are found in this region; the highlands also
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Entrepreneurial Schools of Thought-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Define Entrepreneurship and outline the major theoretical concepts in the field. Apply theoretical concepts to the entrepreneurial decision making process. Answer: Introduction Entrepreneurship is a process of designing and launching a new business. The person who designs and launches or in other words a person who creates the businesses is known as entrepreneurs. The report talks about the Marriott International Inc. entrepreneurial organization. The paper talks about the history of the organization and the establishment and the growth of the company along with that it includes the challenges faced by the company. There is a discussion of the entrepreneurial schools of the thought in relation to the Marriott International Inc. It consists of the emerging trends that can create an impact on the working of the company. The potential opportunities and the threats related to the growth of the company will be discussed Meaning of entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is the capacity and the willingness to develop, organize and manage the business venture along with the risks in order to make the profit. In simple words, an entrepreneur is a businessman whose focus is on launching and running of the business considering the high risk involved in the launching of the product (Kuratko, 2016). Entrepreneur of the company act as a leader and oversees the growth of the company. Overview of the company Marriott International Inc. was established in the year 1993 when the company was separated in the two companies. The two companies were Marriott international and the Host Marriott Corporation. Marriott Company is American multinational hospitality company that manages a broad number of the hotels and the related lodging facilities. The company was founded by the J. Willard Marriott which is currently managed by his son Bill Marriot and the CEO Arne Sorenson. History Basically, the company was founded by John Willard Marriott in the year 1927. The company opened its new first hotel Twin Bridges Marriott hotel in Virginia in the year 1957. In 1987, the company opened the first Fairfield Inn and Marriott Suites Hotels. This how the company became the first lodging company who offer a portfolio of brands (Marriott, 2017). In 1995, the Marriott was the first hotel who offered the online reservation facility to its customers. In the year 2010, company said that they are planning to add over 600 hotels by the year 2015. Establishment and the growth The company is continuously registering the growth by acquiring the companies across the world. In the year 2012, the company acquired Gaylord Hotels Brand similarly, in the year 2013- Marriott debuts MOXY HOTELS. The company showed the focus towards the design AC hotel of the Marriott imported into the America. In 2014, the company doubles its distribution in the Africa by increasing more than 23,000 rooms along with that they acquired Protea Hotels Brands. The company Acquires Delta Hotels and Resorts in the year 2015 and became the largest Full-service Hotelier in Canada. In the previous year, the company again acquired the Starwood Hotels and Resorts. The aim of the company is to create the world's largest hotel company that consists of more than 5,700 properties that offer more than 1.1million rooms across 30 brands in more than 110 countries (Marriott, 2017). Challenges faced by the company The company is facing some challenges which are creating an impact on the working of the company. First and the foremost issue is a downfall in the economic growth of U.S., the U.S. economy is showing a downfall (Salvioni, 2016). This is creating an impact on the past three quarters sales. There are 300 corporate customers which decline from 4% year over year. The second challenge is terrorism and political unrest, the international growth is a must for the company and company is planning for the expansion of approximately 285,000 rooms outside North America. The increase in the political unrest and the terrorist attacks are affecting the action plan. The merger of the company with the Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide is becoming a culture challenge for the company. The company won the bidding war for Starwood against the Chinese company Anbang, there is a risk which says that the China government can reject the merger within China. Entrepreneurial schools of thought The schools of thought are considered to be a foundation for entrepreneurial theory. This is an approach that emphasis in researchers about the successful entrepreneur. There is a presence of the macro view as well as a micro view of entrepreneurial school-of-thoughts Approach (Miles, Gilmore, Harrigan, Lewis, and Sethna, 2015). There is a description of the Entrepreneurial approaches considering the company. The displacement school of thought is one of the approaches that are related to the establishment and the growth of the company. For instance, the company faces the on the sales and revenue of the company from decline economic growth in China, and the ongoing economic turmoil in Europe (Frederick, O Connor, and Kuratko, 2013). Threats of the terrorist attract due to increase in the terrorist organizations such as ISIS. The strategic planning school of thought focuses on the planning process that helps in successful venture development. The simplest way to view strategic formulation is leveraging of unique elements. The Marriott make use of the unique markets, unique people, unique products, or unique resources that are used by the company for the effective venture formulation (Frederick, O Connor, and Kuratko, 2013). This is the reason company is acquiring the hotels and resort of different places so that they can get to know about the culture of the country and they can easily expand their business. Emerging trends The emerging trends create an impact on the growth of the company in the near future. Technology trends: - Technology creates an impact on Marriott, the reason being the use of the advanced technology. The company like Airbnb is offering the online rental services. The company allows the private individuals to rent rooms directly to the visitors. Approximately 6 million guests stayed in Airbnb properties in the year 2013. The advancement of the technology will create an impact on Marriott in the near future as well. Tourist will be able to check-in and check-out with the use of the mobile apps (Van Niekerk, 2016). Consumer trends: - There will a positive impact on the consumer on Marriott as more and more people are willing to plan for a tour across the world. According to Mashable, the number of tourist planning for the tour is continuously increasing (Bolton, and Mattila, 2015). There was a rise in the tourist by 13% between the year 2013 and 2014. The Marriott Company is expected to get the increased number of the Chinese and the Asian travelers. Economic trends: - The economic trends that will affect the working of the Marriott include the economic growth. The slow economic growth of the china and the turmoil in Europe create an impact on Marriott. The buying power of the customer is declining in Europe; the decline in the buying power will reduce the ability to travel. Exchange rate for the U.S. dollars is quite high which resist the people to visit the U.S. These factors will definitely impact the working of the company. The growing discrimination of the income group will resist the middle-class people to stay in Marriott (Soelistijo, Anjani, Pratama, Pili, and Herdyanti, 2015). Growth strategies The growth strategies that company should follow must include opportunities and threats. These strategies will help the company to increase their market share and the revenue of the company. The company is already using the acquisition growth strategy and doing well, the two strategies apart from the acquisition are stated below that shows the way to enhance the market share and the revenue of the company. Product development growth strategy can be used by the company in the future. The company should add on the additional services in the products they are offering to the customers (Christmann, 2017). The new feature will enforce the customers who are planning to travel to stay in Marriott. The company is expecting to get the crowd from the china and Europe. According to that company can add on the featured services for Chinese and European. This will enhance the companys revenue and provide the satisfaction to the customer which will lead to increase in the market share of the company. Diversification growth strategy will help the company to make use of the advanced technology that helps the company in attracting the potential customers. In diversification, a company will bring some new services that they going to introduce in the new market (Johnson, 2017). The company can compete with the service provided by the Airbnd and try to enhance the market share and revenue Conclusion The report is based on Marriott International Inc. that shows the entrepreneurial role in the company. The initial part of the report talks about the brief of the company and the challenges faced by the company. Though, Marriott is going doing company is acquiring the companies and expanding the business in the global market. There is a description about the approached in context to the entrepreneurial schools-of-thought. The approach discussed is displacement approach and the strategic planning approach. Further, there is a description of the strategies that company will use to an expansion of the business and enhance the market share along with revenue. References Bolton, L.E. and Mattila, A.S. (2015). How does corporate social responsibility affect consumer response to service failure in buyerseller relationships?. Journal of Retailing, 91(1), pp.140-153. Christmann, P., Christmann, P., Leong, J., Leong, J., Tan, M., Tan, M., Christmann, P., Christmann, P., Leong, J. and Leong, J. (2017). EAC Nutrition: Regional Expansion Strategy. Darden Business Publishing Cases, pp.1-25. Johnson, G. (2017). Exploring strategy: text and cases. Pearson. Frederick, H., O Connor, A., and Kuratko, D.F. (2013). Enterpreneurhip Theory/Practice/Process. Edition 3. Commonwealth of Australia. Kula, E. (2013). History of environmental economic thought. Routledge. Kuratko, D.F. (2016). Entrepreneurship: Theory, process, and practice. Cengage Learning. Kuratko, D.F., Morris, M.H. and Schindehutte, M. (2015). Understanding the dynamics of entrepreneurship through framework approaches. Small Business Economics. 45(1), pp.1-13. Marriott. (2017). Meet Our Founders. Viewed on 8th October 2017, Marriott. (2017). Our Story. Viewed on 8th October 2017 Miles, M., Gilmore, A., Harrigan, P., Lewis, G. and Sethna, Z. (2015). Exploring entrepreneurial marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23(2), pp.94-111. Salvioni, D.M. (2016). Hotel Chains and the Sharing Economy in Global Tourism. Symphonya, (1), p.31. Soelistijo, U.W., Anjani, P.L., Pratama, H.I., Pili, H.L. and Herdyanti, M.K. (2015). Trend of Mineral Commodity Price and its Impact on the Indonesia Economy 1990-2025. Earth Sciences, 4(4), pp.129-145. Van Niekerk, M. (2016). Business, Technology, and Marketing Trends Influencing the Financial Performance of The Hotel Industry. The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, 24(2), pp.153-157
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Motivation Coursework
Motivation Coursework Motivation Coursework Motivation Coursework Excerpt In the ever changing institution of education due to globalization, it is becoming more difficult as a teacher to motivate students and in some circumstances it is even more difficult to remember as teacher to be effective motivators. Why is it that students are becoming so unmotivated to do their work and progress to their full potential? Why is it that teachers are forgetting their role as motivators and not using the appropriate motivational techniques required in their classroom? This paper will be dedicated to the idea of motivation in the classroom and discuss many complex issues surrounding the idea of motivation. In the first portion of this essay, the key points of the numerous theories on motivation will be discussed and the multiple views of each of these theories will be examined. This paper will examine numerous theories such as intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and goal theory. The second portion of this essay will be devoted to di scussing how these particular theories on motivation can be instilled in the classroom in order to produce effective motivation, and how knowledge of these theories will influence the decisions I make around teaching and learning. Before continuing any further, there are some basic questions that must first be answered; what is motivation? Why is motivation an essential component in the classroom? Who is responsible for motivation? Simply stated, motivation is `an internal process that makes a person move towards a goal'. Some academics have their own personal definitions, such as Drnyei who states that `[m]otivation explains why people decide to do something, how hard they are going to pursue it and how long they are willing to sustain the activity' (2001, p. 7). Others define motivation by what it does stating that `[m]otivation gets us going; it gives us energy, directs us towards our goals, and sustains us through the tasks we undertake' (Vialle, Lysaght Verenikina, 2005, p.156). Motivation is essential in the classroom because it causes students to `greet each new school day with enthusiasm, participate in all academic tasks, actively seek challenge in their work, complete their homework, and produce ass ignments of an exemplary standard' (Vialle et al., 2005, p.156). Motivation is an inner process driven by oneself, however, `teachers bear a great deal of this responsibility when it comes to motivation in school contexts' (Vialle et al., 2005, p.156). By examining the theories of motivation, the above questions as well as many other questions will be answered, while simultaneously, many new questions regarding motivation will arise. One of the newest theories on motivation which are predominantly used in classrooms today are intrinsic motivation theory and extrinsic motivation theory. Intrinsic motivation is `motivation that come from within you or is inherent in the task. For example, you may be motivated to complete a task because you enjoy it or you value the skill you are learning' (Vialle et al., 2005, p.156). Many disputes within the theory of intrinsic motivation exist. In a study investigated by Cordova and Lepper, it was determined that children's reported intrinsic motivation in school has been decreasing steadily from at least third grade through high school (1996, p.715). On the other hand, Covington and Meller tested intrinsic motivation in older students and concluded that intrinsic motivation in students has been increasing as they get older because they want to learn for the sake of obtaining knowledge (2001, pp.157-160). Extrinsic motivation is motivation to engage in an activity as a means to an end. Extrinsic motivation is when you are motivated by external factors, as opposed to the internal drivers of intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation drives you to do things for tangible rewards or pressures, rather than for the fun of it (Syque, 2007). For example, individuals who are extrinsically motivated work on tasks because they believe that participation will result in desirable outcomes such as reward, teacher praise, or avoidance of punishment (Vialle et al., 2005, pp.156-157). This theory is closely linked to behaviourism where behaviour is shaped by reinforcers such as positive reinforcers, negative reinforcers and punishment (Vialle et al., 2005, p.158). Positive reinforcement is based on a reward system and `positive reinforcers include tangibles, such as stickers or lollies, or teacher praises, such as verbal praise, acknowledgement and feedback' (Vialle et al., 2005, p.158). In Negative Reinforcement a particular behaviour is strengthened by the consequence of the stopping or avoiding of a negative condition (Levine, 1999). `Negative reinforcers involve payoffs, not for achieving something positive, such as completing an assignment on time, but for avoiding something abrasive, as in the case of the student whose reason for studying is to avoid failing' (Covington Meller, 2001, p.4). Punishment, which is often confused with negative reinforcement, weakens a behaviour because a negative condition is introduced or experienced as a consequence of the beh aviour (Levine, 1999). Also, if you needsociology coursework, check this out: Related posts: Custom Essay Help Concept Essay A Reflection Essay Religion Coursework Management Coursework
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Are Managers Measuring the Financial Risk in the Right Manner Article
Are Managers Measuring the Financial Risk in the Right Manner - Article Example Conversely, bankruptcy risk denotes a situation where the price of a security, for example, shares plummet without any optimism that it will improve. As such, the investor faces an imminent loss. The author explores at lengthy how different models treat bankruptcy risk differently. For instance, the CAPM model treats bankruptcy risks as unsystematic risks (Srinivas, 2013). The author subsequently verifies it by calculating its correction with future returns. The correlation is a negative figure, which is a characteristic of unsystematic risks. The author identifies the weakness of Adjusted Present Model (APV), which integrates bankruptcy in the calculation of the value of a corporate entity. As per this model, bankruptcy risk only arises due an increase in debt. However, in the corporate world companies go bankrupt due to a myriad of reasons, which include poor management, rivalry and loss of market. The article seeks to chart a new way forward in the calculation of risk by managers. However, to understand what the article proposes with regard to calculation of risk, it is vital to understand the weaknesses of the present methods of risk evaluation. Most methods such as CAPM and APV calculate risks after classification into either systematic or unsystematic risk. In the calculation of the total risk of a firm or a company, unsystematic risk is overlooked. To understand why it is overlooked, it is vital to define systematic and unsystematic risks. Systematic risk denotes the decrease or increase in returns from an investment or a security owing to events or factors, which afflict all firms unfavourably. Unsystematic risk refers to decrease or increase in the earnings from an investment or a security due to reasons particular to a single firm (Damodaran, 2010). The models only consider factors that afflict all the firms (systematic) as unsystematic risks may be addressed through d iversification of the
Thursday, February 6, 2020
European Security and Defence Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
European Security and Defence Policy - Essay Example Most decisions in the council are made by the majority votes while unanimity is needed in the sensitive issues like foreign policy (Churruca; 178; 2000). In order to assume full responsibility in crisis management the European council established permanent political and military structures (Nice December 2000).The first structure is the political and security committee (PSC) which acts as the preparatory body for the European Union council. The main role of the political and security committee is to check and follow the international state of affairs thereby helping in defining policies in the Common Foreign and Security policy. It prepares a rational EU reaction to a crisis and works out the political control and strategic bearing or direction to be under taken by the European Union (Hill; 2002). The second structure is the European Union Military Committee (EUMC), which is the highest military organ in the council. The body is made up of the chiefs of defence of states that form the European Union.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The queer Experience in Popular Culture Essay Example for Free
The queer Experience in Popular Culture Essay According to Gordon Lynch (2005), arriving at a concrete and solid definition of popular culture is filled with a certain degree of complexities or difficulties (p. 1). This particular concept has been often a topic of various heated debates and arguments in many academic discourses and scholarly analyses. Whenever popular culture becomes the center of attraction, the mere definition of the term seems to instigate tons of both criticisms and skepticisms alike. Lynch (2005) explained that this seemingly antagonistic issues of popular culture stems from the fact that different fields of expertise have their own interpretations and understanding of the matter (p. 1). This situation implies two things. First, either popular culture is too broadââ¬âbroad in the sense that it covers a wide array of issues and topics that creating a more specific definition seems to be way too impossible. On the other hand, it can be also argued that popular culture, is indeed an abstract idea that is capable of touching every field or domain , thus a concrete definition is prone to being misinterpreted as something that denotes exclusivity and power struggle. But then again, if one has to take a closer look, the problems that popular culture experience can be attributed to the fact that popular and culture imply two major complex ideas and concepts. Once and for all, culture is widespread. It embodies different facets of life and various ideological beliefs and opinions. In the meantime, identifying the objects or personalities or establishing criteria for an object or an individual to be categorized as popular is also beset with difficulties. Once and for all, there are instances wherein popularity is achieved simply because it is embedded in oneââ¬â¢s culture. However, this situation cannot be really understood within the context of popular culture. There are also instances wherein a certain object, symbol, or value has nothing to do with culture yet popular. This situation cannot be also seen as a manifestation of popular culture. Indeed the seemingly encompassing and abstract nature of popular culture makes it hard for one to understand the whole matter in just one sitting. But this does not necessarily mean that the matter should be immediately dismissed as something that is of less importance. Although popular culture is responsible for the continuous clash of ideas and beliefs, it cannot be denied that such is too influential that eliminating it within academic discourses can be seen as a total disrespect for the matter. Popular culture tends to affect the manners and behaviors of many individuals. In recent years, it is apparent that popular culture did not only influence the lives of manyââ¬âto a certain extent, it seems that popular culture has also dictated the ways wherein mankind expresses its existence and social contribution. Browne and Fishwick (1988) described that popular culture is considered as the so-called ââ¬Å"lifeblood of oneââ¬â¢s existence and way of life (p. 1). â⬠This one leads to the conclusion that popular culture pertains to the socially-relevant practices and values that man acquired, practiced and readily shared. As Browne and Fishwick (1988) explained, popular culture is mainly comprised of the daily practices and routines that an individual goes through (p. 1). In addition to that, popular culture also echoes, even the nitty-gritty sentiments of an individual (Browne Fishwick 1988, p. 1). Given this situation at hand, if popular culture tends to act as the voice of each and every community, then it would not come as a surprise if issues regarding sexuality and preferences are also articulated by popular culture. Sexuality and sexual preferences is a way of life. It is also the lifeblood of oneââ¬â¢s existence and to top it all, it is something that should be readily expressed and manifested. One cannot also deny that both sexuality and sexual preferences are also influential. However, due to certain norms and conventions that society has established, there are certain aspects of sexuality and sexual preferences that are still considered as taboo or not worthy to be discussed, moreso, to be expressed in public. This scenario is most especially true as for the case of queers who have to hide their true identities in utmost secrecy to avoid the scrutiny of a judgmental public. This dilemma is very much manifested in traditional and conservative communities or social settings. This is where popular culture comes into place. Through popular culture, the conservatism and judgment that is rendered towards queers is slowly transformed into ultimate tolerance. Take note that the term ââ¬Å"toleranceâ⬠instead of absolute ââ¬Å"acceptanceâ⬠is used in this case. Tolerance and acceptance are different from each other. Yet, there are many instances wherein the two are interchangeably understood and interpreted by many. This discussion will provide insights on how popular culture is able to permeate the tolerance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender expression. To enrich this study, the focus will revolve around Asian communities wherein popular culture is instrumental in the tolerance, rather than acceptance of various queer expressions. Chinese Cinema and Popular Culture Sigley and Jeffreys (1999) elucidated that topics regarding sexuality in China is still viewed differently (p. 51). To many, sex cannot be considered as something sacred. Tackling these matters tend to go beyond the borders of ethics and morality (Sigley Jeffreys 1999, p. 1). Moreover, mass media, which often perceived as the institution responsible for the educating the public and knowledge dissemination, is often blinded by the unconscious fear to discuss this matter (Sigleys Jeffreys 1999, p. 52). Based from this, it seems that China tends to shy away from discussing sexually-related issues and topics primarily because its cultural orientation requires a private manner of addressing these concerns. If sex, in its simplest context tends to raise eyebrows for many critics, then it would not come as a surprise if queer topics are most likely to be seen on the peripheral side. If sex between heterosexuals cannot be openly discussed by Chinaââ¬â¢s mass media, then more prohibitions is expected to emanate as for the case of many queers. However, although Chinaââ¬â¢s mass media has remained quiet and reserved regarding this matter, there is already the attempt to touch these issues and eventually present it into the publicââ¬â¢s eyes. Although this may not be thoroughly expressed and given full attention in news organizations or programs, other forms of mass media, such as film for example, played an important role in presenting and proliferating queer themes. This has led Yang (1999) to the contention that China is yet, one of the prominent hodge-podges wherein explorations of the queer life and concept of reality can be accomplished (p. 338). Yang (1999) shared that films such as those of Wong Kar Waiââ¬â¢s Happy Together and Stanly Kwanââ¬â¢s Yang and Yin: Gender in the Chinese Cinema, have been consistent attempts to showcase the homosexual experience and lifestyle (p. 338). Slowly, but surely, these films have the capacity to destroy the cultural barriers and conventions that are often attributed to many queers. It has been often said that films present a specific portion of reality, which are often ignored and taken for granted by many viewers or audiences. Films are usually described as symbols or reflection of reality. The existence of queers and their corresponding lifestyles are the ones that are often taken to the side and are voluntarily taken out of the picture. These realities are then depicted into the movies that are focusing on these particular issues. On the other hand, it cannot be also denied that films are often considered as part of popular culture. Thus, through these aspect, what was once perceived or viewed as taboo or even explicit for that matter now have the chance of being expressed. However, although films greatly contributes into the gradual acceptance of queer culture in China, Berry (2000) explained that the societal conventions are still pretty much apparent as queers, to be more specific, gays are often depicted and portrayed as individuals who are often subject to sadness due to the lack of a loyal and faithful partner vis a vis companion (p. 187). Solitary moments in Chinese cinemas are also coupled with the enduring process of waiting for the ââ¬Å"right oneâ⬠to eventually come (Berry 2000, p. 187). Although this stance seem to imply a certain degree of queer stereotyping in Chinese cinema, the solitary experiences, the search for loyalty and companionship as well as the longing for the perfect partner, are indeed a portion of realities that are existent in many queersââ¬ânot only to gays per se, but also to lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. Thus, presenting these into movies, somehow, the conservatism that is within conservative communities, are challenged and put into a serious test. Manga and Japanese homosexuality Whenever one mentions the terms manga and anime, it all boils down to one country, Japan. Aside from Japanââ¬â¢s highly technological skills and capabilities, mangas also brings an intense degree of popularity in the nation. Almost every Japanese is aware of these materials. But then again, one should always bear in mind that mangas has literally taken the world by storm. Mangasââ¬â¢ acceptance cannot be solely attributed to their abilities to provide pleasure and entertainment. More than anything else, these have been the heralds of the Japanese experience. The recognition and acceptance that mangas received, made Dooley and Heller to (2005) a conclusion that such are perpetuators of popular cultures in Japan (146). But as the years passed by, mangas is no longer constricted or imposed to place heavy emphasis on romantic and adventure themes. As time goes by, mangas has also dabbled into the arena of discussing queer issues. McLelland (2005) implied that the growth of queer communities in Japan was triggered by certain channels of communication, print media, to be more specific (p. 0). McLelland (2005) stressed that during the times wherein internet connections were still not widely used by the public, it was print media that eventually provided a platform for ââ¬Å"queer social networking (p. 10). From it here it can be seen that the incorporation of queer themes and issues in mangas are not purely coincidental. It is rather expected. Perhaps, the only thing that is coincidental in this aspect is that manga happens to be a symbolic manifestation of Japanââ¬â¢s popular culture. Since queer related topics are easily incorporated to managas, one can lead into the assumption that homosexuality is readily accepted in Japan. Once and for all, mangas are cultural products that are patronized and appreciated not only by Japanese, but also by individuals from the other side of the world. However, bringing it, within the Japanese context, if mangas can be easily distributed and at the same time, if such is a manifestation of Japanese culture, then mangas generally provide a platform wherein queers can express their beliefs and sentiments. As a matter of fact, it can be argued that the easy articulation of queer themes in mangas tend to purport that queers are warmly accepted in this country. The truth of the matter is, many queers have decided to create their own mangas and eventually share their experiences through this medium and eventually disseminate and share it to the public (Berry, Martin Hue 2003, p. 70). Accepted or Tolerated? While popular culture has managed to present the queer experience via films and print media, one cannot really see it as a form of acceptance. As mentioned earlier, popular culture as an instrument for queers to voice out their views and opinions has not managed to produce total queer acceptance within the community. Take for example in China, one thing that contributes to the failure of popular culture to achieve queer acceptance stems from the fact that (homosexuality) is seen as an influence of the West (Chua 1993, p. 38). Therefore, it can be seen that there is already a socially-constructed denial of the queerââ¬â¢s existence. Even though, there are little facts to support the contentions that homosexuality is a western influence, still this cultural belief is still engraved into the minds of many. Popular culture then finds it too difficult to go against such a strong and seemingly invincible system of belief. In the meantime, Chinese cinemaââ¬â¢s portrayals and depictions of queers as individuals longing for the ideal relationship and partner that will last for the rest of time comes really short in presenting the authentic and genuine queer experience (Berry 2000, p. 87). What happens is that queer stereotypes are instead made and from time to time, the directors or producers of such movies are having a hard time in going against the countryââ¬â¢s cultural convictions. Once and for all, there is a question of why several Chinese films often focus on the lonely side of the queer experience. This further places queer communities in a much derogatory stance. There is still the attempt to reconcile with the overall perspectives regarding queers. If there is already acceptance, then Chinese cinema should strive to stay-away from presenting how queers are prone to loosing their perfect partners and wait for another one. Although, this is something common in homosexual relationships, this area alone is just a portion of the colorful yet highly challenging queer life. In the meantime, as for the case of mangas, queers and popular culture in Japan, Grossman (2000) shared that while there are instances wherein mangas may present sexually related content, it is still permissibleââ¬ânot because it is already accepted (p. 41). Rather it is more on the fact that queer themes and even explicit content are highly tolerated since it simply inhibits ââ¬Å"fantasies (Grossman 2000, p. 141). â⬠Inhibiting fantasies are tolerated by the actual act is still not permissible (Grossman 2000, p. 141). Grossman (2000) further discussed that the market potential of mangas is seen from a positive light and it is tolerated with the intention to lessen the curiosity of the public and therefore lessen the occurrence of queer-related incidents and sex crimes (p. 141). Conclusion Popular culture is indeed influential and somehow it was able to give a voice to many queers. However, due to strong cultural orientations which often contradicts the queer existence, the matter is simply tolerated and still on the process of being readily accepted. Popular culture, in its articulation of queer themes and experiences is still at its infancy and insinuating to totally accept these matters still have a long way to go. As of the moment, the only thing that popular culture can offer to queers is tolerance. Acceptance can be only determined by time.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Observation Assignment at a Park Essay -- Descriptive Park Essays Pape
Observation Assignment at a Park Hayden Park was an interesting place for a Freeze-Frame assignment. For those who have not heard of a Freeze-Frame, it is simply sitting in one spot for 15 to 20 minutes observing ones surroundings. So to continue, at first glance, Hayden Park is a typical Valley of the Sun type park. Most of these typical parks have grass, picnic tables, some trees, and usually some sort of sports availability such as a basketball court or soccer field, or both. In addition, the parks also have pleasant surroundings. But Hayden Park is located in South Phoenix, so automatically the typical standard for parks is altered. The surroundings around Hayden Park are far from what most people would consider to be pleasant. From the picnic table where I conducted my Freeze-Frame in Hayden Park I could see a junk yard with hundreds of old cars, a cement plant with loud trucks driving around the noisy machines, and a used car lot with a lot of obnoxious advertising, most of which is in Spanish. There was also a fenced in trailer park and some miscellaneous ...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Kaze Lato
In theory, point of view reveals a perspective from which the narrator tells the story. Analyzing a storyââ¬â¢s point of view will provide us with answers to two questions ââ¬Ëby whomââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëhowââ¬â¢ the story is told. By the way, we can also understand attitude of the writer towards his characters as well. In the case of ââ¬ËBabylon Revisitedââ¬â¢, the one who tells us this story is a third-person narrator. To be more specific, he is a limited omniscient narrator.Firstly we notice that the narrator addresses the protagonist by name ââ¬ËCharlieââ¬â¢ or the third person ââ¬Ëheââ¬â¢, and also does the same with other characters. This suggests that he stands somewhere beside the story, witnessing it without participating in it, and then retells us what happended- that is why the narrator is called a ââ¬Ëthird-personââ¬â¢. From the objective point of view of a third person narrator, the story appears to be more all-round and reliable. On the o ther hand, the narrator in this story is omniscient.Firstly it is because he can read mind of characters. He leads us into Charlieââ¬â¢s thoughts to have a look at his absolutely different life one year and a half ago and also his nostalgia of it; or to see his loss when finding the Ritz bar gloomy and quiet. ââ¬Å"Charlie directed his taxi to the Avenue de l'Opera, which was out of his way. But he wanted to see the blue hour spread over the magnificent facade, and imagine that the cab horns, playing endlessly the first few bars of La Plus que Lent, were the trumpets of the Second Empire.They were closing the iron grill in front of Brentano's Book-store, and people were already at dinner behind the trim little bourgeois hedge of Duval's. He had never eaten at a really cheap restaurant in Paris. Five-course dinner, four francs fifty, eighteen cents, wine included. For some odd reason he wished that he had. As they rolled on to the Left Bank and he felt its sudden provincialism, h e thought, ââ¬Å"I spoiled this city for myself. I didn't realize it, but the days came along one after another, and then two years were gone, and everything was gone, and I was gone. The narrator knows everything Charlie has in his mind. Furthermore, the narrator even knows things that Charlie is not aware of. The most important of those is the fact that Charlie left his address for Duncan Schaeffer at the beginning of the text, and forgot about it somewhere between the Ritz bar and the Peters' house. This one detail opens up the stage for Charlie's tragic loss of Honoria at the end of the story. Charlie doesn't remember this detail; he's left in confusion as to just how Duncan ââ¬Å"ferreted out the Peters' addressâ⬠while the narrator know it just because of his omniscience.In addition he is not absolutely omnicient: the narrator is limited within Charlieââ¬â¢s perspective. In most of the story, the author describes the surrounding environment from Charlieââ¬â¢s view , and interprets only Charlieââ¬â¢s thoughts. It is an intention of the author to dig deeply into Charlieââ¬â¢s inner life that the narrator focuses only on Charlieââ¬â¢s mental state. And this confines the narrator to be a limited narrator. However, in a small part of the story, the constant point of view is diverted to another characterââ¬â¢s perspective.In the following paragraph, the narrator tells the story from the view of Mrs. Marrion: ââ¬Å"With each remark the force of her dislike became more and more apparent. She had built up all her fear of life into one wall and faced it toward him. Marion shuddered suddenly; part of her saw that Charlie's feet were planted on the earth now, and her own maternal feeling recognized the naturalness of his desire; but she had lived for a long time with a prejudice ââ¬â a prejudice founded on a curious disbelief in her sister's happiness, and which, in the shock of one terrible night, had turned to hatred for him.It had all happened at a point in her life where the discouragement of ill health and adverse circumstances made it necessary for her to believe in tangible villainy and a tangible villainââ¬Å" The oddity in narration does not ruin the flow of the story by interfering with the point of view, but, on the contrary, it contributes considerably to the story because it enhances the reliability. The story would not be so dramatic if readers could not understand the distrust of Mrs. Marrion in Charlieââ¬â¢s reform. This paragraph keeps readers, who is on Charlieââ¬â¢s side at the first place, doubting about the certainty of his willingness to mend.It also reveals the innermost uncertainty to resist alcohol in the nature of Charlie himself. Such is the great effect that a change in point of view can has on the trend of the story. That is a brief portrait of the narrator who tells us the story of ââ¬ËBabylon Revisitedââ¬â¢. Another question that we are answering is ââ¬Ëhowââ¬â¢ the story is narrated from his point of view. The narrator have a vitally important role in choosing what is mentioned during the story. It is because the world emerging in the story is filtered through the point of view of the narrator.In the case of ââ¬ËBabylon Revisitedââ¬â¢, surrounding environment in the story is imbued with Charlieââ¬â¢s feelings and thoughts. Fitzgerald uses a technique called ââ¬Ëstream of consciousness techniqueââ¬â¢ to narrate this mixture of inside and outside world: ââ¬Å"He left soon after dinner, but not to go home. He was curious to see Paris by night with clearer and more judicious eyes than those of other days. He bought a strapontin for the Casino and watched Josephine Baker go through her chocolate arabesques. After an hour he left and strolled toward Montmartre, up the Rue Pigalle into the Place Blanche.The rain had stopped and there were a few people in evening clothes disembarking from taxis in front of cabarets, and cocottes prowl ing singly or in pairs, and many Negroes. He passed a lighted door from which issued music, and stopped with the sense of familiarity; it was Bricktop's, where he had parted with so many hours and so much money. A few doors farther on he found another ancient rendezvous and incautiously put his head inside. Immediately an eager orchestra burst into sound, a pair of professional dancers leaped to their feet and a maitre d'hotel swooped toward him, crying, ââ¬Å"Crowd just arriving, sir! â⬠But he withdrew quicklyââ¬
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Analyzing Two Forms Of Media - 1034 Words
Analysing Two Forms of Media First impressions are extremely vital. We form an opinion within the first 30 seconds of meeting someone and that plays a vital role in the relationships formed. Similarly with films, the audiences usually identifies with the genre within a few minutes of the screening. With that in mind, this analysis will focus upon decoding the opening sequence of two contrasting films in order to understand its tone and genre. In this case, the opening sequence is defined as the point until which the title is established, this is usually within the first 120 to 180 seconds of the film. I have chosen to compare the mise-en-scà ¨ne of a modern day romantic comedy, ââ¬ËWhat Ifââ¬â¢ (Michael Dowse, 2014) versus the classic horror film,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This establishes the tone of the film as energetic and gives the audience the impression that the narrative and characters are light-hearted. Furthermore, the movie begins at night which suggests a sense of romance, which is a centr al theme of the film. However, in ââ¬ËThe Shiningââ¬â¢, the camera follows a single yellow car through a changing scenery of mountains and landscapes. From the wideness of the shots, we see the environment as desolated and lonely. The audience is aware that there is no sign of life apart from the driver of the car. This hints that isolation will be an important theme of the film. It also establishes the driver as the central character of the film. Thomas Caldwell describes framing as ââ¬Å"a way of withholding information from the audienceâ⬠(Caldwell, 2005). Although conversely, it is also a way of including an image or object within a frame to convey a specific meaning. In ââ¬ËWhat Ifââ¬â¢ shots of the Toronto skyline are frequently shown throughout the film, usually in the background or out of focus, to reinforce the idea established in the beginning that the city is another character in the film. Similarly, In ââ¬ËThe Shiningââ¬â¢ the hotel is where the e ntire narrative unfolds. Hence, it is imperative to focus on the location at the beginning of the film itself. The opening scene of ââ¬ËWhat Ifââ¬â¢ is set at night but this is not to imply that the lighting is or dark but that it is sultry, playful and romantic. The accompanying music which
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